The project anticipates significant outcomes:
The main result of WP2 is the establishment of the PRAISE Competences Pathway, a pivotal initiative in building resilience against radicalization and extreme ideologies among school students and adolescents. This pathway includes defining essential socio-ecological skills, developing customized training curricula, and enhancing the capacity of educational institutions and civil society actors.
The desk and field research (240 students and activities , demanding significantly high human resources, provide valuable inputs for defining the State of the Art on school students’ resilience to radicalization. The data collected serves as a foundation for developing the PRAISE Competences Pathway, ensuring its alignment with the latest research and insights.
Envisioned for widespread adoption across Europe, the pathway is designed to integrate into educational activities, fostering awareness and adaptability in various sectors. The focus is on facilitating seamless implementation, ensuring transferability to diverse contexts, and promoting long-term societal resilience.
WP3 focuses on creating an innovative training curriculum and materials for students (aged 13-17) to enhance their socio-ecological resilience against extremism. Aligned with PRAISE Competences Pathway, the course adopts a blended approach, combining face-to-face and online methods.
The flexible structure, available in partner languages, ensures accessibility across Europe. The training emphasizes key principles, including flexibility and long-term, multi-step design.
Post-development, a piloting phase involves a minimum of 30 students and 10 teachers per partner country, with teachers acting as online coaches. This approach aims to equip youth with essential competences, fostering resilience against radicalization and extremism.
WP4 will yield two impactful outcomes for the PRAISE project: PRAISE e-learning platform: This comprehensive platform includes a project area with project details and a registration form, an open e-learning section for freely accessible courses in multiple languages, a training module supporting testing and progression, an e-library housing project materials and additional resources, a social panel for user communication, and a reporting module with analytics features.
PRAISE Digital Board Game: The digital board game accommodates up to eight players, offering a turn-based, “trivial pursuit” style gameplay. Players engage in a 30-minute session, answering questions and making choices related to socio-ecological resilience against radicalization, combining entertainment with educational objectives.
WP5 will produce the PRAISE Toolkit for teachers, educators, stakeholders, and policymakers. This resource offers practical guidance on integrating PRAISE outputs into daily educational practices.
The toolkit, initially available in English for free download on the project’s website and e-learning platform, includes extra resources and tools to create “radicalization-free” European school environments. WP5 will also conduct awareness campaigns, organized as multiplier events in each partner country, to showcase PRAISE results and gather valuable feedback through participant evaluation questionnaires.
The goal is to assess event effectiveness and provide insights into the presented project outcomes.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2023-1-SE01-KA220-SCH-00015224
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